Wednesday 10 June 2015

10 Day June Update/Volunteering News

Hey there! This post is coming at you in two parts, my June update as far as my TBR is going and then an update about how my volunteering at my local library has been going.

Part 1: 10 Day June TBR Update

So ten days into June (I know, already! That's crazy) and I have yet to read a significant amount of any book. I know, I'm terrible. I'm currently working really hard at reading We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and I'm absolutely loving it, however I'm struggling to really get the reading time in that I usually would because 1) I have pneumonia (no but like seriously, I went to the doctor) and 2) I've been writing a TON. And by a ton I mean that in the last week and a half I wrote over 25,000 words of a book I'm currently working on! It's kind of a Sarah Dessen-esque idea, but I'm confident it's definitely me, not an imitation.

What I've found with the E. Lockhart book is that, even though it's short, it's taking me a while to get through. I'm determined to get through it before the end of the week, though, because in ten days I'm off to marching band camp and won't really have time to read, unfortunately. I want to have the E. Lockhart book and Famous Last Words by Katie Alender by the time I leave, which would leave Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and Jackaby for during that week and after. I'd really like to get one of those down before I leave too but I haven't been reading much unfortunately.

And that's where the library comes in!

Part 2: Volunteering/Library News

As you may know, I volunteer once a week at my local library for two hours every Tuesday. I just thought I'd brag a bit about my success because well I'm proud.

My volunteering is in the youth/young adult section, which is to say that I spend a lot of time in the basement where the youth books are housed and sometimes venture upstairs. Since volunteering at the library, my tasks have kind of trended along three different paths:

1) Doing the things no one wants to that need to get done but are below the actual employee's pay grade.

Examples of this include such fun things as wiping down the computers with alcohol wipes, taking apart/sorting/putting away the legos, labeling things like cabinets or bins of craft supplies, or looking through the pop up books to find the broken pieces.

2) Things that are super easy but also totally fun

Examples of this include organizing the puppet closet (which I've done twice now), hanging up art work from the local elementary and middle schools, or putting labels on books (which is actually like really easy and not as boring as it sounds.)

3) Things that the librarians probably should be doing but is easy enough for a responsible volunteer to do (AKA me).

There were two projects this year that I've gotten to contribute to that made me feel like a librarian. One of them finally came to fruition this week as the summer lists from the library got released this week. My job, as assigned by the lead librarian in the youth section, was to pull 20-40 books for babies or toddlers under two to be put onto one of the lists, which I did over two or three weeks. I then also used the library's catalogue to enter information about all of the books I chose so that it would be easier to make the actual list. I'm super proud that I made that list :)

The other big project they let me help with was this year's booklist of recommendations for the middle school; every year the library puts together a list of 15-20 books that they recommend and then go present to English classes at our two local middle schools. The list goes out at the end of the year as a kind of reminder to students to read over the summer. My job was first to format the stickers we put in the back of the book recommending similar titles (another subtle hint to get students to keep reading), and then I went through the catalogue and pulled all of the books and listed which were checked out. I then (you guessed it) stuck the labels in the books I did have, and put stickers on the spine to indicate that they were on the list. Super fun!

The other thing that I did have to do that made me feel pretty awesome was check books into storage, which meant I got to sit at the front desk. Although it did make for many an awkward moment when people would think I was like an actual librarian and had any clue where anything was, which I totally completely didn't and don't.


Back to reading and keeping track of that: yesterday while volunteering I signed up for the young adult summer reading project. If I read fifteen minutes on a day, I get to check off a circle for that day, and then every time I go in with more than one marked off I win a prize. When I signed up with my volunteer coordinator, he asked if I'd read for two days and I said yes (because I had) and I won a small prize, which I redeemed for a string of fairy lights.

Anyways, that's just what's going on with me right now :)

Peace out friends :)


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