Today is the first day of July, which is kind of ridiculous, not going to lie. It'll be a bit rough to read all of these books because I will be away for two weeks, but I will try to read as many of them as possible. I'm really looking forward to trying! And to camp :)
I hope you follow me along on this journey, maybe read along, and please recommend books if you want to.
June Wrap Up
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
One Sentence Summary: Cady's amnesia haunts her when she returns to her family's island for the first time since a mysterious accident she can't remember, her memory comes back in flashes culminating in a spectacular surprise ending.
Rating: 5/5
Five Word Review: 1) Haunting; 2) Life-Changing; 3) Gorgeous; 4) Dark; 5) Sweet.
Full Review: Click HERE.
Famous Last Words by Katie Alender
One Sentence Summary: Uprooted because of her mother's new marriage, Willa finds herself in California involuntarily pulled into the mess that is the Hollywood Killer.
Rating: 4.5/5
Five Word Review: 1) Dramatic; 2) Intense; 3) Complex (there are multiple story lines); 4) Dark (like, super dark. Not as dark as We Were Liars, but still); 5) Entertaining.
Full Review: HERE.
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
One Sentence Summary: Greg finds out a girl he had a terrible friendship/relationship with has leukemia, and he has to give up his plan to avoid making any friends to get his mother off his back and to give her a friend, as long as he can.
Rating: 1.5/5
Five Word Review: 1) Funny (kind of); 2) Entertaining (Sometimes); 3) A light read; 4) Pointless; 5) Okay (kind of).
Full Review: Click HERE.
I didn't get to pick up Jackaby, so hopefully I'll be able to read it soon! I did listen to When, which I will review pretty soon.
July TBR
What It's About: This is a book about leadership for women, aiming at helping female leaders be effective in their jobs without coming across as bitches. Because in today's day and age, female leaders are often called bossy or bitchy when we are in fact doing the exact same thing that men do.
Why I Picked It: I just got back from leadership camp, and am really excited to really learn how to get better at leading because I have been called a bitch in the past.
Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider
What It's About: Lane used to live a normal life, and then he got TB. Which means he ended up living in a place called Latham House, part hospital and part boarding school, and there he reconnects with a girl he used to know named Sadie, who has changed in these circumstances.

Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
What It's About: Clay ran out of options in his field, and so finds himself working in- you guessed it- a bookstore. But this is a bookstore and a library, one of twelve of its kind, where the customers are bibliophilic, card carrying (literally) members of this mysterious club of people who crack codes in books so old they have no ISBNs and can't be googled.
Me Being Me is Exactly as Insane as You Being You by Todd Hasak-Lowy
What it's About: Darren's parents divorced and his brother moved out to attend college, and so his year sucked. So when his dad shows up with ground breaking news, Darren skips school and visits his brother. His journey is told entirely in lists, and is 646 pages long.
Why I Picked It: I'm really interested to see how the author used this method of storytelling. I'm also really interested in how he uses romance in conjunction with the more serious topics of divorce and change.
Thanks guys, hope this next month kicks butt!!!
Peace out broscouts,